By Subject

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05B Combinatorics: Designs and configurations
05C Combinatorics: Graph theory
05E Combinatorics: Algebraic combinatorics
06A Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures: Ordered sets
11M Number theory: Zeta and L-functions: analytic theory
11P Number theory: Additive number theory; partitions
11R Number theory: Algebraic number theory: global fields
14G Algebraic geometry: Arithmetic problems. Diophantine geometry
15A Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory: Basic linear algebra
15B Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory: Special matrices
16A Associative rings and algebras: Associative rings and algebras
16R Associative rings and algebras: Rings with polynomial identity
16S Associative rings and algebras: Rings and algebras arising under various constructions
16U Associative rings and algebras: Conditions on elements
17A Nonassociative rings and algebras: General nonassociative rings
17B Nonassociative rings and algebras: Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras
20A Group theory and generalizations: Foundations
20B Group theory and generalizations: Permutation groups
20C Group theory and generalizations: Representation theory of groups
20D Group theory and generalizations: Abstract finite groups
20E Group theory and generalizations: Structure and classification of infinite or finite groups
20F Group theory and generalizations: Special aspects of infinite or finite groups
20G Group theory and generalizations: Linear algebraic groups and related topics
20 Group theory and generalizations
20H Group theory and generalizations: Other groups of matrices
20J Group theory and generalizations: Connections with homological algebra and category theory
20K Group theory and generalizations: Abelian groups
20M Group theory and generalizations: Semigroups
20N Group theory and generalizations: Other generalizations of groups
20P Group theory and generalizations: Probabilistic methods in group theory
22B Topological groups, Lie groups: Locally compact abelian groups (LCA groups)
37A Dynamical systems and ergodic theory: Ergodic theory
37B Dynamical systems and ergodic theory: Topological dynamics
43A Abstract harmonic analysis: Abstract harmonic analysis
60J Probability theory and stochastic processes: Markov processes
68Q Computer science: Theory of computing
94A Information and communication, circuits: Communication, information
94B Information and communication, circuits: Theory of error-correcting codes and error-detecting codes