Finite groups with non-trivial intersections of kernels of all but one irreducible characters

Document Type : Ischia Group Theory 2016


1 Dipartimento di Matematica quot;Federigo Enriques quot;, Università di Milano

2 Schoool of Mathematical Sciences, Tel-Aviv University


In this paper we consider finite groups $G$ satisfying the following‎ ‎condition‎: ‎$G$ has two columns in its character table which differ by exactly one‎ ‎entry‎. ‎It turns out that such groups exist and they are exactly the finite groups‎ ‎with a non-trivial intersection of the kernels of all but one irreducible‎ ‎characters or‎, ‎equivalently‎, ‎finite groups with an irreducible character‎ ‎vanishing on all but two conjugacy classes‎. ‎We investigate such groups‎ ‎and in particular we characterize their subclass‎, ‎which properly contains‎ ‎all finite groups with non-linear characters of distinct degrees‎, ‎which were characterized by Berkovich‎, ‎Chillag and Herzog in 1992‎.


Main Subjects

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Volume 7, Issue 3 - Serial Number 3
Proceedings of the Ischia Group Theory 2016-Part III
September 2018
Pages 63-80
  • Receive Date: 15 July 2016
  • Revise Date: 23 March 2017
  • Accept Date: 17 March 2017
  • Published Online: 01 September 2018