Constructions and involutory properties in latin quandles

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria.


This work studied involutory properties in Latin quandles using methods of quasiqroup theory, and classified latin quandle $Q$ into Left Involutory Property latin Quandle (LIPQ), Right Involutory Property Latin Quandle (RIPQ) and Involutory Property Latin Quandle (IPQ). It investigated a fourth property called the Cross Involutory Property Latin Quandle (CIPQ). The result showed that a latin quandle $Q$ that is a LIPQ and RIPQ is an IPQ. Moreover, it established that the necessary and sufficient conditions for a latin Alexander quandle $Q$ to be a CIPQ is that $b=t^2a +(1-t)(tb+a)$ for all $a,b \in Q$ and $t\in A(Q)$.


Main Subjects

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