Groups with the real chain condition on non-pronormal subgroups

Document Type : Ischia Group Theory 2022


1 Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni “R.Caccioppoli”, Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Via Cintia - Monte S. Angelo, I-80126 Napoli, Italy

2 Università di Napoli “Federico II”, I-80126 Napoli, Italy


It is shown that a generalised radical group has no chain of non-pronormal subgroups with the same order type as the set $\mathbb{R}$ of the real numbers if and only if either the group is minimax or all subgroups are pronormal.


Main Subjects

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Volume 14, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
Proceedings of the Ischia Group Theory 2022-Part 2
March 2025
Pages 9-18
  • Receive Date: 19 July 2023
  • Revise Date: 14 October 2023
  • Accept Date: 21 October 2023
  • Published Online: 24 October 2023